On May 2nd - 6th, 2005 the First Conference of Parties to the Stockholm Convention held in Punta del Este, Uruguay. On November 16th, 2004 the Stockholm Convention was approved by the European Union. On May 17th 2004 the Stockholm Convention On Persistence Organic Pollutants came into force after the 50th state submitted the ratification document on February 17th 2004. 6-8.04.2004 the Workshop on the Coordinated Implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions in Central and Eastern Europe was held in Riga (Latvia). These conventions are closely related and complementary. The Workshop addressed how to promote cooperation and coordination amongst focal points and how to identify opportunities for developing pilot projects on the environmentally sound management of hazardous chemicals and wastes. The main purpose of the workshop was providing opportunities for participants to discuss and share experiences as well developing recommendations on further steps to be taken. 15-17.03.2004 Workshop on the strengthening of the co-operation between the chemicals and hazardous wastes conventions was held in Prague (Czech Republic). The GEF Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel invited the Technical Workshop on Emerging Innovative Technologies for the Destruction and Decontamination of Obsolete POPs held on 1-3 October 2003 in Washington D.C. This workshop was devoted to the review and assessment of technologies alternative to incineration, such as POPs oxidation under thermal disintegration conditions (about 50 technical processes), suitable for POPs destruction and decontamination or elimination of POPs polluted environmental media (soil, water) as well as technical equipment. Poland was represented by Mr. Krzysztof Czarnomski, expert in waste management of the Institute of Environmental Protection in Warsaw. 14-18.07.2003 The VII Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiation Committee of the Stockholm Convention took place. The VIth Nationwide Scientific Conference devoted to "COMPLEX AND DETAILED ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ISSUES" took place from May 29th to June 1, 2003 in Ustronie Morskie (Poland) invited by the Chair of Hydro-Mud Techniques and Waste Utilisation of the Construction and Environmental Engineering Department of the Technical University Koszalin and the Section of Mineral Raw Materials of the Mining Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The paper "Emission from hospital waste incineration - experience drawn from domestic incinerators" prepared by the Pulp and Paper Institute in Lodz (presentation available in Polish language). 30-31.05.2002 The UNIDO Regional Working Meeting was held in Brno (Czech Republic)(conclusions). It was aimed at the exchange of experience between the participants of similar projects in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. Results of the POP inventories in Poland were presented by Mr. Krzysztof Olendrzyński (Institute of Environmental Protection) and Mrs. Elżbieta Niemirycz (Institute of Meteorology and Water management). International seminar "International Symposium on Environmental Pollution in the Arctic" was held in Rovaniemi, Finland on 1-4.10.2002. On 2nd October one of the session was devoted to persistent organic pollutants. Detailed program can be found on the Web page: http://www.amap.no/news/news.htm 26 - 27.09.2002 The VIth Scientific Conference: "Dioxin in industry and environment" took place in Krakow. The Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology of the Krakow Technical University organized this Conference, of international character. 25 papers on methods of inventories of dioxins and other POPs, transport of dioxins within the environment and their impact on the human body, their testing in specific media as well as on POPs destruction technologies were on the programme of the Conference. |
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