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History The Institute of Environmental Protection published in 2002 in booklet 17 of the "Conventions and Resolutions of International Organisations" the unofficially translated text of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants edited by Janusz Żurek. This report, prepared under the UNIDO GF/POL/01/004 Project, presenting results of the persistent organic pollutants inventory and capabilities of the national infrastructure as well as preparedness to implement the provisions of the Stockholm Convention in Poland has been published as a self-contained edition in 2003 in two languages: - "Trwałe zanieczyszczenia organiczne. Tom I. Przeglad sytuacji w Polsce"; - "Persistent Organic Pollutants. Volume I. National Profile - Poland". In 2004 the report on necessary activities to be initiated by Poland, in order to meet both the provisions of the Stockholm Convention as well as the requirements of the EU regulations, was published as a single volume only in Polish language: - "Trwałe zanieczyszczenia organiczne. Tom II. Kierunki działań" ("Persistent Organic Pollutants. Volume II. Direction of activities"). Both volumes represent a compendium of knowledge on sources of persistent organic pollutants, hazards caused by their presence and prevention of such hazards, together with assessment of opportunities to solve these problems in Poland, particularly the problem of outdated pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls as well as with the definition of requirements concerning environmental monitoring of POPs. In addition to that, within the framework of the GF/POL/01/004 UNIDO project, the following education materials, concerning threats caused by dioxins and presenting proper handling of PCBs, were published: - leaflet about dioxins pgenerated by the individual heating systems for 4 target groups, i.e. teachers, farmers, dwellers, local governments; - brochure on handling PCBs for 3 target groups, i.e. administrations, industry, public at large. These publications are available at the Publishers of the Institute of Environmental Protection (Wydawnictwa Instytutu Ochrony Srodowiska) ul. Krucza 5/11d; 00-548 Warszawa, Poland Contact person: Alicja Sienkiewicz Tel. (+4822) 625 10 05 ext. 58 e-mail: alicja.sienkiewicz@ios.edu.pl Prof. Maciej Sadowski, the Project Manager is pleased to render herewith his thanks to all the P.T. Experts participating in preparation of the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention , to the Chairman and Members of the Steering Committee and the participants of the seminar for their engagement, valuable comments and their kind assistance during the project implementation process. 31.12.2004 - Completion of the UNIDO GF/POL/01/004 project sponsored by the Global Environmental Facility. 31.12.2004 - The English language text of the "POLAND. NATIONAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE STOCKHOLM CONVENTION" has been completed. 31.12.2004 - Leaflets of hazards represented by dioxins and information materials on handling PCBs addressed to entrepreneurs, local public administration and the general public were published. 28.12.2004 - The Institute of Environmental Protection published the second volume of the report: "Persistent Organic Pollutants", Volume II, "Action Plans". 21.12.2004 - The Minister of Environment, Mr. Jerzy Swaton, endorsed the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention (Polish text) and issued his decision initiating the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants ratification process in Poland. 15.12.2004 - The final Endorsement Workshop of the UNIDO GF/POL/01/004 Project was held in Warsaw with the aim to present the "National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention" to representatives of the stakeholders, governmental bodies, research institutes, laboratories organisations and commercial companies (see list of participants). The presentation was followed by a panel discussion on ways for the execution of the Plan under current national conditions. The NIP was discussed by 7 presentations (see Workshop Programme). In addition to that, 13 brief reports were prepared by institutions concerned about their possible involvement into implementation of the NIP's tasks. Participants of the workshop, considering the presented content of the NIP and the discussion thereafter, admitted that the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention has been prepared in a comprehensive and rational manner. In conclusion, the Endorsement Workshop put forward a proposal to adopt the NIP by the Government for implementation as a base for further activities concerning the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants in Poland. The workshop proceedings were distributed among participants and interested individuals who were unable to participate. These materials are also accessible on project's website. 1.01 - 6.12.2004 - Additional agreements were made with experts invited to take part in preparation of the NIP for the Stockholm Convention in Poland and 6 contracts updated with experts already engaged in the implementation of the phase IV of the GF/POL/01/004 Project. 25.10.2004 - The draft of the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention in Poland has been prepared and distributed to interested and involved institutions and potential participants of the Endorsement Workshop planned for December 2004. 04.10.2004 - The seventh meeting of the Steering Committee of the GF/POL/01/004 took place in accordance with the adopted agenda. Prof. Maciej Sadowski, the Project Manager informed the participants about the progress in project activities presenting the objective, assumptions and structure of the NIP designed in conformity with the "Guidance for Developing a National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention". The latter was prepared by the UNEP and the World Bank in December 2003 and recommended for use in the implementation of the UNIDO Project financed by the WB Global Environmental Facility instrument. In addition to that The Project Manager described the main tasks included into the NIP and characterised the organisational, legal and financial conditions connected with the implementation process including the costs of activities related to specific years and financing sources. He also presented the financial requirements in terms of basic costs (covering the activities performed under the current national and EU regulatory requirements within the framework of statutory activities of the state administration) and additional costs (resulting directly and solely from the need to implement the provision of the Stockholm Convention). Prof. M. Sadowski informed the SC members about the procedure concerning acceptance of the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention by the Steering Committee and the Minister of Environment required to formally completing the GF/POL/01/004 Project implementation in accordance with the Contract No. 2001/369. In conclusion of discussions the Steering Committee approved the way of taking into consideration the submitted comments and remarks and authorised the Department of Environmental Policy of the MoE to supervise the preparation of the final draft of the NIP. The SC unanimously adopted the position concerning the NIP endorsement as follows: "The Steering Committee, supervising the merits of the GF/POL/01/004 Project implementation, after being acquainted with the draft National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention, decided to cognisance of the latter and put forward a proposal to the Minister of Environment to table a motion on ratification of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants signed by Poland on May 21st, 2001 in Stockholm. 23.08.2004 - A successive version of the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention (GF/POL/NIP/PRO3) was prepared. It was submitted for co-ordination within the sector of environment in accordance with decisions made by the 6th Meeting of the Steering Committee. 8.06.2004 - The 6th Meeting of the Steering Committee of the GF/POL/01/004 Project was held in accordance with the established agenda. The Project Manager informed the meeting about the progress in project implementation. The draft National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention was discussed. Comments and suggestions made by the SC members will be taken into account during development of the next NIP version. It shall be prepared in accordance with the draft "Guidance for Developing a National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention" prepared by UNEP in December 2003. Also the strategy for the NIP's endorsement procedure at the top level of decision making was discussed. 2.06.2004 - A meeting took place at the Ministry of Environment aimed at the establishment of the number of landfills containing POPs, which need to be eliminated, considering the divergent data presented by various institutions in Poland. 11.05.2004 - A technical visit of UNIDO representatives and experts implementing the UNIDO/GEF (GF/POL/01/004) Project was made to the ANWIL Inc. Company in Wloclawek to get acquainted with the opportunities for destruction of liquid and solid PCB waste (transformers and capacitors) in the company's plant for hydrogen chloride recuperation from waste chlororganic compounds. 10.05.2004 - Mr. Victor Ishchenko, the UNIDO Regional Project Manager and Mr. S. Fejes, the external expert reviewing the draft of the "National Stockholm Convention Implementation Plan", visited the Institute of Environmental Protection for discussion on results of the external review. 30.03.2004 - Submission of the English language version of the "National Stockholm Convention Implementation Plan for Poland" to the UNIDO for review by the external expert. 24.02.2004 - On invitation by the UNIDO HQ prof. Maciej Sadowski, the National Project Manager of the UNIDO GF/POL/01/004 Project, presented the preliminary draft of the "National Stockholm Convention Implementation Plan for Poland" to a group of selected UNIDO experts. The Polish output, as a pioneer achievement on global scale, has been highly appreciated for its merits. The UNIDO representatives proposed to use the Polish experience by less developed countries. During the meetings in Vienna the budget of the GF/POL/01/004 Project was updated and opportunities for Polish participation in implementation of other projects managed by the UNIDO under the GEF financing were discussed. 11.02.2004 - In accordance with the agenda the meeting of the Steering Committee of the UNIDO GF/POL/01/004 Project was held. The Steering Committee was devoted primarily to discussion on the draft "National Stockholm Convention Implementation Plan" (GF/POL/NIP/PRO1) and co-ordination of implementation activities of the Project's NIP Endorsement Phase. 09.02.2004 - The draft "National Stockholm Convention Implementation Plan" (GF/POL/NIP/PRO.1) together with the Progress Report covering the NIP Development Phase has been submitted to UNIDO. 27.01.2004 - The Progress Report covering the NIP Development Phase (June 2003 - January 2004) of the UNIDO GF/POL/01/004 Project devoted to the preparation of the "National Stockholm Convention Implementation Plan" has been completed. 15.01.2004 - A draft leaflet informing about dioxins produced by the individual house heating systems was prepared with the aim of publishing and wide distribution. 15.01.2004 - Within the framework of the UNIDO GF/POL/01/004 Project a Consultation Workshop was called in Warsaw with the aim to discuss the first draft of the "National Stockholm Convention Implementation Plan" (Timetable, Presentations, Conclusions). Discussion was focussed on the proposed approach and solutions resulting in comments and suggestions for further improvement of the draft NIP. 83 participants representing institutions and organisations interested in the issues of persistent organic pollutants attended the event. 08.01.2004 - On request of the Project Manager Prof. Maciej Sadowski the independent expert Prof. Maciej Nowicki reviewed the draft "National Stockholm Convention Implementation Plan" and presented his report. In the expert's opinion the draft NIP presents in general a valuable document based on concrete findings and proposals, which however requires certain modifications. Many valuable comments and guidelines expressed in the report will be taken into account during final editorial work on the plan. 29.12.2003 - Leaflets promoting proper handling of PCBs for 3 target groups, i.e. public administration, industry and general public were prepared. Their publication and wide distribution within the country is envisaged. 16-17.12.2003 - The report "Trwałe zanieczyszczenia organiczne. Tom I. Przeglad sytuacji w Polsce"presenting results of inventories of persistent organic pollutants, capabilities of the existing national infrastructure and the preparedness for implementation of the Stockholm Convention provisions in Poland was issued as a printed publication. Its English language version "Persistent Organic Pollutants. Volume I. National Profile - Poland". has also been published. Both books are available on request from the Institute of Environmental Protection - Publisher. 15.12.2003 - The preliminary draft of the "National Stockholm Convention Implementation Plan" (GF/POL/NIP/PRO.1) has been completed and submitted for review by the independent expert Prof. Maciej Nowicki and to the Steering Committee. The draft NIP includes activities aiming at elimination of production and use of substances and preparations subject of the Stockholm Convention, reduction of unintentional environmental releases, disposal and decontamination of POPs containing waste, decontamination of POP contaminated equipment and development of an adequate system for evaluation of emissions and releases. 02.12.2003 - In 2003 a total of 38 sub-contracts, concerning tasks of the UNIDO GF/POL/01/004 Project, were concluded with experts and institutions involved the project's implementation were concluded, including 2 agreements with NGOs of the 3 organisation recommended by the Steering Committee. Also two restricted tenders were issued. 22.11.2003 - The Community Strategy for Dioxins, Furans and Polychlorinated Biphenyl’s, COM(2001)593 final and the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Persistent Organic Pollutants and amending Directives 79/117/EEEC and 96/59/EC have been translated into Polish language. 14.11.2003 - Experts taking part in the UNIDO GF/POL/01/004 Project implementation completed work on development of Technical Reports as foundation for development of the draft "National Stockholm Convention Implementation Plan". In total 18 Technical Reports were prepared (list of reports).This concluded the preliminary part of the project's NIP Development Phase. 11.07.2003 - The Technical Report on completion of the Priority Setting Phase together with the Report on the Priority Validation Workshop was submitted to UNIDO. 30.06.2003 - National Inventory Report on PCBs (R23 - available in Polish language) has been made available to the GF/POL/01/004 Project. 27.06.2003 - Fourth meeting of the National Steering Committee of the GF/POL/01/004 Project was held in accordance with the agenda (available in Polish language) under chairmanship of Mr. Krzysztof Szamalek, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Environment. The Committee endorsed the information of the National Project Manager on progress of project implementation and approved the reports covering the Priority Setting Phase for submission to UNIDO. 15.06.2003 - The Validation Workshop Report was prepared, which after endorsement by the Steering Committee, was submitted to UNIDO early in July, 2003 and accepted as conclusion of the Priority Setting Phase (January/March-May 2003) of the GF/POL/01/004 Project. 10.06.2003 - The Technical Report covering the Priority Setting Phase: "Criteria and priorities for the development of the National Stockholm Convention Implementation Plan" has been prepared. 30.05.2003 - The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Division of Coastal Drainage Water Protection in Gdansk submitted the report on research and investigations performed and results and conclusions obtained concerning pollution of bottom sediments of the Wloclawek Reservoir (R.22 - available in Polish language). 26.05.2003 - The third workshop within activities of the GF/POL/01/004 Project (Validation Workshop), devoted to "Priorities of the Stockholm Convention National Implementation Plan" was held in Warsaw at the Novotel Warszawa Centrum (former Forum Hotel) at Nowogrodzka Street 24/26 (program), (conclusions). Evaluation of the criteria, priorities and objectives to be considered for the development of the Stockholm Convention National Implementation Plan was the main goal of this workshop. Results of the Project's POPs Inventory Phase was also presented and the current situation in this respect in Poland reviewed. Experts from stakeholder institutions invited to participate in this workshop discussed the applied approach and assessed the proposed criteria and priorities in terms of their importance for proper development of the Stockholm Convention implementation plan for Poland. 02.05.2003 - Activities of the GF/POL/01/004 project's National Stockholm Convention Implementation Plan Development Phase have been initiated. 28.04.2003 - The third meeting of the GF/POL/01/004 Project Steering Comittee, in its changed constitution, was held. The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Environment Mr. Krzysztof Szamałek, is now the new Chairman Steering Committee. The position of the Vice Chairman has been entrusted to Mrs. Monika Lesz, Deputy Director of the Department of Capital and Technological Development of the Ministry of Environment, and the position of the Secretary to Mr. Maciej Sadowski, the National Project Manager. The Steering Committee took note of the information on progress of project implementation, endorsed the criteria and priorities work out during the Third Phase of the project and approved the Detailed Work Plan for the project's Fourth Phase. 20.03.2003 - The Inventory Phase Progress Report has been completed duly and submitted. UNIDO accepted this report. 10.03.2003 - Agreement with the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Division of Coastal Drainage Water Protection in Gdansk for the implementation of the research project on "Anthropogenic origin of organic substances, their distribution and impacts in bottom sediments of the Wloclawek Reservoir" has been signed. 10.03.2003 - The Inventory Report was reviewed by the independent expert Prof. Jerzy S. Michalik, who confirmed his positive opinion expressed in an earlier evaluation. 28.02.2003 - The preliminary report "Persistent Organic Pollutions. Review of the Polish situation", was preparing during the Inventory Phase. The 4th edition of the report, known as "The National POPs Profile. Poland" requires some further amendments and abridgements before it will be published in two languages. 19.02-8.04.2003 - 20 contracts with local experts for participation in implementation of the Priority Setting Phase and the National Stockholm Convention Implementation Plan Phase of the GF/POL/01/004 Project were concluded (list). 17.02.2003 - Prof. dr. Maciej Sadowski was appointed as the National Project Manager. 11.02.2003 - With deep grieve and sorrow we regret to inform that, after a short illness, doc. dr. inz. Janusz Zurek, an outstanding expert, recognised in his home country and internationally, devoted entirely to activities on environmental protection until his last moments, passed prematurely away. 15.12.2002 - The Chemical Engineering and Technology Department of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Krakow Technical University presented the report on interalaboratory comparative tests concerning determination of dioxines, PCBs and HCBs (R21). 04.12.2002 - The second meeting of the GF/POL/01/004 Project Steering Committee took place, at which the National Project Manager reported on the project implementation progress and presented the preliminary version of "National POPs Profile. Poland", as well as the Detailed Work Plan for the Third Phase of the Project (Appendix 2). After considerations both documents have been approved by the Steering Committee. The Project Manager was requested by the Committee to shorten the chapters 1 and 6 of the "Profile…" and to consider in its final edition the changes in respective Polish regulations expected during the 1st quarter of 2003 in connection with the Poland's accession to the EU. 02.12.2002 - The local workshop on inventories was conducted at the Institute of Environmental Protection in Warsaw with the aim to review the activities performed and consider issues, which arose during inventory works. The workshop was attended by 21 participants (list). The programme of the workshop is presented here. Conclusions and recommendations here. 29.11.2002 - The independent expert Prof. Dr Hab. Eng. Jerzy S. Michalik reviewed and assessed the technical reports prepared by experts implementing the GF/POL/01/004 Project. He concluded his assessment as follows: “The reviser valuates highly the implementation of tasks of the Inventory Phase and the documentation of its results presented in reports numbered from R.1. to R.20” (list). The experts, engaged in project implementation, completed activities on developing technical reports needed to prepare the "National Profile of POPs for Poland" on October 31, 2002. Hence, the basic, most labour consuming activity of the POPs Inventory Phase has been finalised. Twenty one technical reports were prepared (list). Among them two are the result of sampling and laboratory tests performed within the framework of this project. One presents the pilot measurement results of 12 substances covered by the Stockholm Convention in water, bottom sediments and living organisms at the Vistula and Oder Mouths, and the other results of pilot measurements of PCB, HCB and PCDDF emissions from selected stationary sources required to determine the missing (or unreliable) air emission indices of those substances. The remaining reports represent summaries of research reports and studies performed during the last years (published and unpublished), present results of querying and assess the available statistical data, legal regulations and organisational structures. 08.08.2002 - Contract for carrying out pilot measurements aimed at investigation of HCB, PCBs and dioxins content in combustion gases from ,metal ore sinter plants, hazardous waste incinerators and PCBs in transformer and condenser rooms was signed with the T. Kosciuszko Krakow Technical University. 28.05.2002 - Contract for the assessment of water quality, regarding POPs referred to by the Stockholm Convention 2001, discharged at the Vistula and Oder River Mouths has been signed with the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (Department of Littoral Waters in Gdańsk). 05.06.2002 - The first meeting of the Steering Committee was held. Results of the Inception Phase of the project were positively assessed and the Implementation Schedule for the Second Phase (until 31.12.2002 accepted. The Committee adopted also their working rules. From 1.03 to 30.06.2002r. - 21 contracts with local experts for participation in the GF/POL/01/004 project inventory phase were signed ( here list of experts ) 15.05.2002 - The Minister of Environment appointed the GF/POL/01/004 "Poland. Enabling Activities to facilitate early action on the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)" project's Steering Committee numbering 16 person with Mr. Czeslaw Sleziak, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Environment as Chairman, Mrs. Krystyna Zydorowicz as Vice Chairman and Janusz Żurek, the GF/POL/01/004 "Poland. Enabling Activities to facilitate early action on the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)" as secretary. The Committee is composed of representatives of the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of National Defense, Chemical Substances and Preparation Bureau, Polish Ecologic Club, National Fund of Environmental Protection and Water Management, "EcoFund" Foundation, Marine Institute, Institute of Plant Protection and the Prof. J. Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine. On July 11th, 2002 the Minister of Environment extended the membership of the Steering Committee adding three additional persons representing the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Environment ( here the list of Steering Committee members ). 31.03.2002 - The Inception Workshop Report was prepared and submitted to UNIDO as a Progress Report of the First Phase (January - March 2002) of the GF/POL/01/004 "Poland. Enabling Activities to facilitate early action on the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)". ( here the Inception Workshop Report ) 25-26.03.2002 - Inception workshop concerning implementation of the GF/POL/01/004 "Poland. Enabling Activities to facilitate early action on the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)". The last activity of the project preparation phase was the inception workshop, where all stakeholders from Poland were present for an open discussion and for effective communication. The two-day workshop was an excellent opportunity for raising awareness at the country level. It was held in Warsaw. The agenda included discussion of the activities that are needed to achieve the outcomes as well as the indicative timeframes. Approximately 70 people were invited (list of participants is available here ), including decision makers, representatives of industry, R&D institutions, NGOs as well as an international expert. Papers connected with the subject matter of the project were presented. ( here are the proceedings ) 21-22.03.2002 - Inception seminar on "Implementation of Stockholm convention in Poland" was held on 21-22 March in Warsaw. Materials are available here. 21.02.2002 - Date on which the contract between the UNIDO and the Institute of Environmental Protection (IEP) on the execution of the GF/POL/01/004 "Poland. Enabling Activities to facilitate early action on the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)" project was signed by IEP. 02.2002 - Date on which the contract between the UNIDO and the Institute of Environmental Protection (IEP) on the execution of the GF/POL/01/004 "Poland. Enabling Activities to facilitate early action on the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)" project was signed by UNIDO. 01.01.2002 - Date of actual start of the GF/POL/01/004 "Poland. Enabling Activities to facilitate early action on the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)" project implementation. 06.12.2001 - Date of formal commencement of the GF/POL/01/004 "Poland. Enabling Activities to facilitate early action on the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)" project. 01.08.2001 - The UNIDO project proposal: "Poland. Enabling Activities to facilitate early action on the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)" has been endorsed for execution by the GEF Chief Executive Director. 12.07.2001 - The United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), as Trustee of the Global Environmental Facility Trust Fund (GEF) concluded the Financial Procedures Agreement for financing projects aiming at the destruction and removal of Persistent Organic Pollutants proposed for implementation by UNIDO as decided by the 17th Meeting of the GEF Council in Stockholm. |
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